Pressure regulating system
In order to regulate and control the gas pressure in the urban gas transmission and distribution network, a gas pressure regulating system device is required.
What are the types of pressure regulating system?
There are three main types of pressure regulating system.
- City gas gate station pressure regulating system :
The city gas station pressure regulating system refers to the pressure regulating system of the gas source, the gate station, the storage and distribution station, the gas distribution station, the gasification station, the gas mixing station, and the gas filling station.
The inlet and outlet pressure of the pressure regulating system in the station is relatively high, and it is generally equipped with metering equipment.
- Gas distribution & transmission station pressure regulating system :
Natural gas distribution stations are generally built on long-distance pipelines to distribute natural gas in long-distance pipelines. Its downstream is generally assigned to one or more city gate stations. Its configuration is higher than the gate station.
The sub-transmission station generally regulates and measures the pressure of the long-distance pipeline first, and then transports the natural gas to the gate station, then transports the natural gas to the end user.
- Residential area pressure regulating system :
The user pressure regulating system is a pressure regulating system used to supply residential users of one household or one building (or several buildings).
The pressure regulating system supplying one household is generally set at the gas appliance, and the pressure of the inlet pipe section is relatively high, and it is laid indoors. Therefore, necessary safety measures should be taken to ensure safe operation.
The pressure regulating system supplying residential users of one building (or several buildings) is generally set in the courtyard or in the metal box suspended on the outer wall of the building.

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