Pressure Regulation Metering Skid Cabinet

Pressure Regulation Metering Skid

The gas pressure regulating skid is an important part of the gas transmission and distribution system. It has been widely promoted and applied because of its compact structure, small footprint, investment saving, and convenient installation and use. The basic configuration in the box includes inlet and outlet valves, filters, pressure regulators and corresponding measuring instruments, and additional safety equipment such as corrugated compensators, overpressure relief valves, and overpressure cut-off valves can also be added. At the same time, according to the usage and user requirements, it can be assembled into a single-channel, double-channel or multi-channel gas pressure regulating box.

Pressure Regulation Metering Skid Uses and Features

The gas box can be made into a common type or a thermal insulation (heating) type according to the temperament. For dry, non-moisture gas (such as natural gas, etc.), ordinary cabinets can be used. For gas containing water and greatly affected by temperature changes (such as artificial gas, liquefied petroleum gas, etc.), it is necessary to choose an insulating box to ensure the normal gas supply of the pressure regulating system.
The single-way pressure regulating box is equipped with one-way pressure regulating system and bypass pipeline. Since the gas must be shut down during maintenance and overhaul of the pressure regulator, the single-way regulator box is generally used for users with small gas consumption and intermittent gas supply.
The two-way pressure regulating box is equipped with two-way pressure regulating systems and bypass pipelines. One line of system is running, and the other line of system is used as a safety guarantee. In this way, the pressure regulation system can be maintained, overhauled, etc. without affecting the user’s gas consumption. Therefore, the two-way pressure regulating box is generally used for users who have a large amount of gas and cannot stop the gas. If overpressure cut-off valves are installed on both pressure regulating systems, the automatic switching function can be realized by setting different cut-off pressures.

The main technical parameters OF Pressure Regulation Metering Skid

1. The model mark consists of name code, rated flow value, inlet pressure value and structure code.
RX  口/口口
口Structure code (expressed in capital letters)
口Rated flow value
口Inlet pressure value (expressed in numbers)
1) The rated flow value indicates the maximum flow m3/h that the surge tank can provide
2) Inlet pressure
3) Structure code:
D——Double-circuit regulator box with bypass
E——other multi-channel pressure regulating box
Markup example:
RX200/0.4A: The rated flow rate is 200m3/h, the single-channel surge tank has no bypass, and the inlet pressure is 0.4MPa;
RX200/0.4D: The rated flow rate is 200m3/h, the double-circuit pressure regulating box has a bypass, and the inlet pressure is 0.4MPa.
2. Technical Parameters
For the basic specifications and technical parameters of the pressure regulating box, see “Specification and Parameter Table”
