Zhuoyue natural gas pressure regulating system

Operating procedures for natural gas pressure regulation

Setting of cut-off value.

Adjust the adjusting nut of the cut-off valve to the tightest, and turn the adjusting nut of the pressure regulating valve to the loosest. Open the intake valve and gradually tighten the adjusting nut of the pressure regulating valve until the pressure gauge shows that the setting value of the shut-off valve is reached, and slowly loosen the adjusting nut of the shut-off valve until a light sound of the shut-off valve is heard, indicating that the pressure regulating valve has been cut off, indicating that it is cut off When the valve reaches the set cut-off value, the cut-off value of the cut-off valve is set. Close the intake valve and vent the gas in the pipeline.

Setting of emission value.

Adjust the adjusting nut of the relief valve to the tightest, screw the adjusting nut of the pressure regulating valve to the loosest, open the intake valve, and gradually tighten the adjusting nut of the pressure regulating valve until the pressure gauge shows that the setting value of the relief is reached, then gradually turn it Loosen the adjusting nut of the relief valve until the release sound of the film vibrating from the relief valve is heard, and the relief value is set. Close the intake valve and vent the gas in the pipeline.

Setting of voltage regulation value.

Screw the adjusting nut of the pressure regulating valve to the loosest position, open the intake valve, gradually tighten the adjusting nut of the pressure regulating valve, observe the pressure gauge, reach the working pressure of the outlet of the pressure regulating valve, and the outlet pressure of the pressure regulating valve is set.

Odor Filling Operating Instructions

  • Inspection and preparation
  1. Transport the odorant barrel, odorizing gas pump, and odorizing pipe to the site, and lead the power line to the site.
  2. Connect the odorizer barrel, odorizer gas pump and odorizer pipe, open the valve of the odorizer port of the odorant tank, and insert the odorizer pipe into the odorizer port.
  • Operation
  1. Connect the odor adding pump to the power supply, press the start button to start the odor adding pump. After the gas cylinder of the gas pump is full, slowly turn on the gas switch to make the exhaust pressure reach 0.1-0.15MPa.
  2. Compressed air is supplied to the odorant tank to make the odorant tank full, and the odorant flows into the odorant tank through the odorizing pipe.
  3. Odorizers should not leave the odorizing site, pay attention to the exhaust pressure at any time, and do not exceed the pressure. When the liquid level of the odorant tank indicates that the odorant is about to be filled, close the exhaust valve and wait until the residual pressure in the odorant tank is exhausted. Finally, pull out the odorizing pipe inserted in the odorant tank, and close the odorizing port valve. Odorization is complete.

Methanol Injection Procedures

  1. Close the air inlet and outlet valves.
  2. Open the release valve and vent the pipeline.
  3. Remove the pressure gauge together with the valve. Use a funnel to inject methanol into the pipeline (8 bottles).
  4. Close the relief valve and install the pressure gauge. Open the inlet and outlet valves.

Filter element cleaning and replacement operating procedures

  1. Close the differential pressure gauge.
  2. Close the upstream and downstream valves of the filter, and open the vent valve to vent.
  3. After confirming that there is no pressure, remove the filter cover and take out the filter element.
  4. Clean and replace the filter element.
  5. Install the filter element.
  6. Evenly tighten the filter cover bolts.
  7. Close the vent valve and open the upstream valve of the filter to test the filter for leaks.
  8. According to production needs, restore the production process.